waste material
Is the waste produced due to human activity, whether solid, liquid or gaseous waste, and in all their situations, they are divided into benign waste does not harm the environment and do not cause damage to living organisms but on the contrary may be a source of interest sources, there are hazardous waste that cause the big man damages living organisms in general, and threaten life on the surface of the soil, has caused contamination of water sources, soil or air, so the waste disposal problems that BJP to take all necessary measures to achieve process.
Methods of waste disposal
Landfill: It is one of the best methods used in waste disposal; where it is choosing a suitable place for a landfill, so this location away from any source of water sources so that does not happen there pollution in this water, and be the landfill operation, either under the Earth's surface if the site It can be dug and then cover the waste with soil extracted during drilling, and if the site can not be drilled or drilling will be connected to the groundwater are waste collection on the surface, and then bring the dirt from other regions and placed over the waste and covered.
Disposal of waste by pressing in bales and then landfilled: this method is sophisticated ways that collects waste in large bales and composting, and compressed and therefore less size, and then it is landfilled in the same way the landfill.
Waste disposal by incineration: in this way the waste collection and entry to the large and furnace temperatures are too high, and after the completion of the burning process are disposed of waste generated in one of the previous methods, the advantage of this method is that it can exploit Aharah produced and purified gases to get some gas useful, but you should take the necessary precautions so as not leaking gases into the atmosphere and cause air pollution and poisoning in some cases.
Turning waste into useful organic soil materials, and through the introduction of some waste which are useful for obtaining organic fertilizer to the private factories are working to carry out some operations on them for useful compost to the soil and plants.
Waste recycling and access to raw materials, including: Through this method of waste separation and classification and work to re-use some of the new and re-manufactured.
Turning waste into gases and liquids and solids pyrolytic; where this process is focused on organic waste, are translated into gases and liquids through the destructive distillation process, and can take advantage of these fluids and gases.
Reduce the amount of waste is one of the most successful solutions to reduce waste problems, and so by going to the clean use of alternative energy, and it must be the limit of human activity is responsible to mitigate the accumulation of waste.