zondag 28 februari 2016

Skin care

The epidermis is the secret of the beauty of women, and the extent of interest in them and Bndhartha defines beauty and superiority over the others, so women must be cleaned and the interest in them, and the use of appropriate creams for all skin the different, the use of mixtures of plant and masks where therapy lies the secret of beauty. It is important to use lotions that peel off the skin; and to remove dead cells, it also deals with skin diseases that may Tsebha.o there are types of skin: oily skin, dry skin, and skin that combine oily skin and dry skin.

Protect the skin
The skin may be exposed to infection from the sun's rays that burn the skin and affect it, and working on cracking and drying; so you must protect your skin in appropriate ways, including:

Use lotions that protect skin from the sun.
Diligence on the skin and washed clean, and always on it; Venzafh permanent skin to prevent the spread of bacteria on them.
Use of mixtures that work on the exfoliation of dead cells, and treated skin diseases.

Oily Skin Care
Oily skin characterized by flexibility and resistance to wrinkles, a shiny, Msamadtha open, where abundant stationed oils on the forehead, nose and chin, and these oils resulting from the secretions of the glands that can not be stopped.
Oily skin can be a lack of consistency on long correctness; they need to be careful attention; as it is likely to suspend the dust and impurities, and pollution from Tnntcher by pimples, blackheads.
On-skinned fatty must follow three steps a day to care for oily skin and commitment: cleaning, moisturizing, and close the pores, and this should be a review of cosmetic experts, and must skin cleaned more than twice a day, using soap and water to wash them, this leads to dry, even for a short period and they avoid soap humidifier much fat and oily creams.
When using cosmetics must stay away from oily lotions and replace it with one that contains water.
When going to buy lotions my little ones on the palm of your hand, the left layer and the gloss is oily lotion, and should be avoided.
Tomato mask is advised women with oily skin using it; it consists of a crust of lemon and a few grains of tomato and lemon juice; because  lemon, and you can add the lemon juice, and the authors of this mixture on your face for a quarter of an hour and then evaluating washed with warm water .
There is a natural way to clean oily skin; where we get a quarter of a small cup of ground oats with a teaspoon of lemon juice, and add half a cup of yogurt; where blends ingredients together and placed on the face for half an hour.
It is advised to stay away from the sun's rays for women with oily skin.
Advised not to use creams that claim to its ability to close the pores; because the skin needs to breathe.
We should not be over-wash the skin which is not more than three times a day, and you must use the medical soap, which protects against fatty skin diseases, skin and massage gently.
You must stay away from hot water to clean the skin and head to the cold and lukewarm water.
Must be healthy eating, such as eating fruits and vegetables, drink water frequently, especially on an empty stomach, and stay away from spices and stimulants.
Studies have shown that nervousness and tension increase the excretion of fat, and that the rays emerging from a computer screen is also working on the secretion of fat.

Dry Skin Care
It means dry skin that where the deficiency in the secretion of fatty oils glands, and lacks the vitality you feel Bajafavha and lack of suppleness; they contain small pores, unlike oily skin, and be thin-skinned susceptible to environmental factors around, easy to wound and her itchy; so you need dry skin continuous hydration by medical creams to become soft.

You should not over-wash dry skin with soap and water only in the evening after they gathered impurities and it has been contaminated during the day; because that increases the dry, though you need to be washed again be cold or lukewarm water without soap.
Resorting to peeling skin, and to develop a combination of milk and lemon on the skin every evening.
When you use cosmetics refugees to the preparations that go into oils in its composition, and bitch about that contain alcohol and perfume, it increases the dryness of your skin.
Majoritarian of food rich in vitamin A and B.
Use masks that benefit your skin, such as:
Mask with eggs mixed with olive oil; it Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with egg yolk and two tablespoons of fresh milk, and Put the mask on your face and a quarter of an hour and then wash gently.
Mask consists of a teaspoon of almond oil with egg whites, half a cup of mayonnaise; where the mixed ingredients are placed on your skin quarter of an hour, then you should Tgsleyha.

Hybrid Skin Care (composite)
I mean this type of skin combination of oily skin and dry skin; they are in a certain area shiny oils any fat in another area dry, and as such we give this kind special attention; because the preparations necessary for the region fatty differ from the preparations necessary for dry area.

Mixed-skinned should use the gel in the process of cleaning up the area fatty; It helps to dry skin and freshness, and resorting to the use lotions that work to narrow pores to reduce the oils secreted by.
Advised to use medical soap that works on dry oily areas without affecting the rest of the regions.
You must reduce the high-fat foods and drink plenty of water and exercise that gives vitality and recovery for blood circulation, which in turn affect the freshness of the face.
Advised to use masks rich benefit Combination Skin, and these masks:
Mask consists of a grain of boiled potatoes in addition to two tablespoons of yogurt, a tablespoon of starch, and three tablespoons of corn oil, a quarter of a teaspoon of olive oil; where blends the mixture well and then apply to the face for ten minutes, and then rinse with cold water.
Mask consists of a spoonful of honey and a tablespoon of cream, milk, two tablespoons of chickpea powder; where confuse ingredients and put on the skin for about ten minutes on the dry areas of the face.

Sensitive Skin Care
Intended sensitive skin that tends to blush strongly characterized by the softness and smoothness, and the emergence of blood vessels under the skin. Care must be super sensitive skin and taking into account several things, including:

Stay away from fabrics that caused her high sensitivity and they use to clean her skin.
Resorting to the use of cosmetics original cosmetics and move away from the traditional.
Use useful for the skin masks.
Always resort to self-comfort and thinking; because the pressure generates sensitivity significantly.
Use moisturizers frequently after removing cosmetics.
You must use lotion shield from the sun, such as: Mask of lettuce and carrots; where this mask consists of a large three tablespoons of lettuce leaves Cone, three tablespoons of grated carrots, and fourteen teaspoon of milk, seven tablespoons of boiling water; as we poured boiling water on lettuce and carrots to get Menkuahma after almost eight hours, and then add the milk to the soaked and put it in the fridge and start using it.

Ordinary Skin Care
This skin pores are small; so prevent blackheads and acne, which is not shiny, which is not in need of careful attention because it is not affected or suffer from anything.
This must clean skin care daily with soap and water, morning and evening, and the use of fragrance-free and alcohol that affect the beauty and freshness creams.
Resorting to peeling skin; it concludes the skin of dead cells.
Should not be excessive use of cosmetic powders.
Foods that provide the body with vitamins intake.
Medical use soap that contains natural ingredients as oil almonds and others.
Drink plenty of water; the water keeps the skin moist vitality.

Skin Care brown
Characterized by dark skin supple and smooth. You must unify the color of the skin when using cosmetics, condoms and the use of sunlight in order to avoid taking the risk of sunburn.

Masks proposed

Mask consists of apricot seeds time, the juice of half a lemon and half a cup of parboiled rice, and avocado; where you have all confuse ingredients in a blender, and then put the mixture in the refrigerator to cool, and put it on your face for thirty minutes, and then wash your face; where this mask gives freshness to your face.

Facial skin care
You should pay attention to the beauty of the neck and rubbed and cleaned and moistened in addition to the face; as if these parts are important for facial beauty. Skin care should Tdena; as massage activates blood circulation, activates the face, and relaxes the facial muscles.

Skin care and must do clean it of impurities and dust suspended in the face in daylight hours.
Should moisturize the skin to remain soft soft and resistant to sunlight, which is trying to dislocations in Msamtha to work on the dry.
Nahari the cream that nourishes the skin, and put a condom for protection from the sun's rays, and resorting to peeling once a week to get rid of dead cells.
The use of masks, which works to enliven the skin cells, and these masks: a mask is used to flatten the face, narrow pores; it consists of egg white mixed with lemon juice, and then the mask is placed to dry on your face, then you must remove it with warm water.

The bride's skin care
The bride must take care of before Bbchertha Wedding Several months later, so take care effect.
The bride should know the quality of her skin to begin to choose the types and adequate nutrition for all skin care.
You must bride interesting quality of the food you eat; it has the greatest impact on the skin.
The appropriate use of cosmetics beauty of the bride's skin, and do not keep the bride's preparations for long periods on her skin.
Fee lips Kahla and put just before the wedding months later, even when the clear sunshine wedding bride complexion and freshness and vitality.
Water vapor to the skin of the bride to be cleaned very well work.
Away bride greatest distance from the sun, and forced them to put condoms protect it from the scorching heat.
Drink plenty of water purification and clarity of the skin.
Use moisturizing creams for skin bride.
Not to confuse the specific hours of sleep and a commitment to them, so as not to lead to Ahoppea.
Bride interesting work masks necessary to feed and treat her skin.

Masks or masks are useful for the bride

Bring mashed pill option and tomato, plus three tablespoons of oats, ground, and one teaspoon Alologin oil, and three leaflets of mint; where the bride mixing oatmeal with mashed cucumber, tomato and with oil and mint leaves, and then put this mixture on her face for thirty minutes and then washed , using this mask every week; he is working to tighten the skin.
Bring a spoonful of the thermos, and a spoonful of honey and spoon yogurt; where the mixed ingredients and put the mixture on the bride and her face and neck for thirty minutes, and then washed.
Steam for face work; where the bride put it chamomile and sage to cleanse your skin of impurities, oils and blackheads.

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