zondag 28 februari 2016

Sports bra allergies

Sports bra allergies

Exposed to a lot of athletes to allergic disease, forcing them to retire early because they believed that this disease will prevent them from continuing and tender, but the scientific studies and research confirmed that exercise a special way that is consistent with the capacity

Physical fitness and the type of sensitivity that hit the sport will have a great benefit on his health

It is imperative to consult a doctor in the sport to be performed by type, studies have also confirmed that many of the people who suffer from allergies and practiced sports a healthy sound manner are less susceptible to crises, thoracic and that these crises are to a lesser degree than others emerged

The use of prescription drugs is much less than the others.

There are statistics to determine the effect of sensitivity to work and drop out of the study were found to be the lowest percentage of interruptions from work and schools are for athletes. It is that they are enjoying the benefits of other sports like others who do not suffer from allergies and also protects them from

Other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, nervous tension, heart disease.

I want to be an athlete and I suffer from allergies?
If you want to start exercising you should initially consult your doctor because each patient has its own circumstances and also must use a specialist sports teach sport to be performed by a method.

Do you know the steps that must be followed to exercise?
Above all it must be the work of exercises to stimulate the circulatory system in the body, such as walking, riding a bike, swimming. Above all it is necessary to know the type of sport and identified because the sport as possible to be the cause of the crisis at the beginning of the Sadrist "asthma."

For example: chlorine in swimming pools is one of the causes of thoracic crisis.

It is better to practice sport in which gain a measure of comfort like a game of tennis or basketball.

Must be a number of exercises in the week of 5.3 times and each time the length of time ranging from a few minutes 30.20 average effort or non-violent.

Third: -
Initially be slow and gradual and should be the body heat the appropriate degree of readiness of the sport.

Fourth: -
It has to be a comfortable place that allows you to perform sports and also talk with those around you easily

Fifth: -
To be completed exercises slowly until the blood flows to the heart muscle from moving and thus the body back to normal without stopping Ajhad.uadm way surprising.

Sixth: -
Action Alatalat exercises after the end of each exercise.

Seventh: -
If your doctor wants to strengthen the body's core muscles like the muscles of the legs and the muscles of the chest and shoulders, you beginning to carry the burdens of light and then a gradual increase weights.

Symptoms of allergic disease: -

1. wheezing in the chest when breathing.

2. persistent cough, especially with the increase (the work of any effort. Inhalation of cold air. Smoking or smell the smoke)

3. shortness of breath and severe agitation: If you suffer from these symptoms must consult your doctor because you could be allergic patient.

The cause of these symptoms: -

Be of the trachea and bronchi sometimes excessive sensitivity to certain substances such as gas, cold air, smoke, and the types of smells .. etc., and this leads to constriction of the muscles in the wall of the airways leading to difficulty of air entry and exit

This leads to the onset of symptoms you.

Private warnings to the patient sensitivity during exercise: -

1. Follow the instructions your doctor Observers of the case does not ignore any treatment for any reason must not be subjected to any reason leads to the emergence of crisis and this keeps you continue with the sport.

2. If you have been during the sports bra to a state crisis, you have to take the airbrush, which advised by your doctor treatment, but if symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

3. To avoid the resulting crisis following sports you follow (avoid doing exercises in a cool place or dry. If you play sports in an open place in the winter, you should cover your nose and mouth with a tissue to heat the air he breathes, we have to consult your doctor if you

You need to be extended to the people before aerobic sport because it will lead to the expansion of the airways and reduces sensitivity) appearance.

4. Avoid sport in the days when suffering from a cough or sizzling in the chest (sensitivity).

5. Do not practice or rehearse place has a high percentage of pollution.

6. must be fortified from the cold as well as washing hands constantly.

7. it is necessary to reduce the sport or stop by any of the following reasons (in Alnevs.alam Alsdr.qsr pain in the neck or Alvk.azdiad strikes Kulb.alam in basic or Mufasl.agaye muscle or a sense of wanting it, constant fatigue, severe ).

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