vrijdag 15 juli 2016

هل تريد ان تعرف الاخبار الحقيقة فى تركيا الان

هل تريد ان تعرف الاخبار الحقيقة فى تركيا الان 
اذا كنت تريد ان تعرف الحقيقة كاملة حول ما يدور فى تركيا الان 

فقط ادخل من هنا 

maandag 11 juli 2016

driver pack solution اسطوانة التعريفات السحرية الصينية 2016

لا تبحث كثيراً عن تعريفات جهاز الكمبيوتر او اللاب توب المفقودة منك حيث ان تحميل برنامج درايفر باك سوليوشن اخر اصدار مضغوط متاح بحجم صغير مجانا برابط واحد مباشر لتعريف جميع الاجهزة تعطيك الحل الفوري والنهائى، تحميل اسطوانة التعريفات driver pack solution اون لاين التى تعمل على جميع اجهزة الكمبيوتر واللاب توب ويتوفر بها كافة التعريفات للجميع وتعد واحدة من افضل الحلول لفقد المستخدمين لتعريفاتهم بطريقة او بأخري سواء ضياعها او ان يكون قد تم تدميرها بشكل ما او اصبحت لا تعمل حتى والبرنامج يعطي مستخدميه مزايا عدة وهى كالتالى

  • يوفر تعريفات كاملة لجميع اجهزة الكمبيوتر واللاب توب
  • يحتوى على مجموعة برامج كمبيوتر اساسية هامة
  • يوفر امكانية اخذ نسخة احتياطية من التعريفات الخاصة بالمستخدم
  • يتيح ميزة تحديث التعريفات الموجودة على نظام التشغيل
  • يوفر امكانية تثبيت كل التعريفات بشكل تلقائى
  • يمكن تثبيت التعريفات او البرامج بطريقة يدوية وبشكل منفصل
  • يستطيع الكشف عن التعريفات المفقودة تلقائياً
  • يعمل بدون اتصال بالانترنت

  • يوفر التعريفات لكافة اصدارات الويندوز

  • قد يجد البعض ان البرنامج به بعض العيوب مثل انه يحتاج لمساحة كبيره وقد يستغرق تحميل driver pack solution 2016 وقت كبير جداً من الانترنت خاصة اذا كان من يسعى لتحميلها من اولئك الذين لديهم اتصال بطئ بالانترنت لكن سبب هذا هو ان البرنامج يحتوى على كافة التعريفات لجميع انواع الاجهزة كما سبق وان وضحنا ويمكنك المفاضله بين تثبيت التعريفات كلها كدفعة واحدة او بشكل اختياري حسب رغبتك كما يمكنك تعريف كافة الكروت الخارجية والاجهزة الملحقة بالكمبيوتر مثل الطابعات والاسكانر وغيرها ويحتوى التطبيق على برامج اخري يحتاج اليها معظم المستخدمين كمشغلات الصوت والفيديو وبرامج تصفح الانترنت والعديد  من التطبيقات الهامه للكثير من الناس بالاضافه لأن واجهة المستخدم بسيطة ويمكن تحميل اسطوانه driver pack solution لتعريف جميع الاجهزه واستخدامها بعدة لغات مختلفه فهى تدعم اكثر من لغة وبالطبع ما يجعلها مفضلة اكثر بالنسبه للعرب هو تضمنها للغة العربيه ويمكن استخدامها عربي بسهولة وتكتشفون المزيد مع استخدامها.
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    يرنامج تايم فيور 2016 TeamViewer

    تعريف البرنامج
    برنامج تايم فيور  TeamViewer هوبرنامج يعمل على ربط جاز فى جهاز اخر ويعمل اتصال بين الجهازين عن طريق الاتصال بالرقم الهوية والرقم السرى ويعمل على تحكم على سطح المكتب البعيد ونقل الملفات ودردشة صوتية وكاميرا (( تحكم كامل بين جهازين )) 
    اليكم صورة واجهة البرنامج 

    فى الدروس القادمة سوف نعمل على شرح كامل للبرنامج 
    لتحميل البرنامج من موقعه الرسمى من هنا

    zondag 28 februari 2016

    Sports bra allergies

    Sports bra allergies

    Exposed to a lot of athletes to allergic disease, forcing them to retire early because they believed that this disease will prevent them from continuing and tender, but the scientific studies and research confirmed that exercise a special way that is consistent with the capacity

    Physical fitness and the type of sensitivity that hit the sport will have a great benefit on his health

    It is imperative to consult a doctor in the sport to be performed by type, studies have also confirmed that many of the people who suffer from allergies and practiced sports a healthy sound manner are less susceptible to crises, thoracic and that these crises are to a lesser degree than others emerged

    The use of prescription drugs is much less than the others.

    There are statistics to determine the effect of sensitivity to work and drop out of the study were found to be the lowest percentage of interruptions from work and schools are for athletes. It is that they are enjoying the benefits of other sports like others who do not suffer from allergies and also protects them from

    Other diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, nervous tension, heart disease.

    I want to be an athlete and I suffer from allergies?
    If you want to start exercising you should initially consult your doctor because each patient has its own circumstances and also must use a specialist sports teach sport to be performed by a method.

    Do you know the steps that must be followed to exercise?
    Above all it must be the work of exercises to stimulate the circulatory system in the body, such as walking, riding a bike, swimming. Above all it is necessary to know the type of sport and identified because the sport as possible to be the cause of the crisis at the beginning of the Sadrist "asthma."

    For example: chlorine in swimming pools is one of the causes of thoracic crisis.

    It is better to practice sport in which gain a measure of comfort like a game of tennis or basketball.

    Must be a number of exercises in the week of 5.3 times and each time the length of time ranging from a few minutes 30.20 average effort or non-violent.

    Third: -
    Initially be slow and gradual and should be the body heat the appropriate degree of readiness of the sport.

    Fourth: -
    It has to be a comfortable place that allows you to perform sports and also talk with those around you easily

    Fifth: -
    To be completed exercises slowly until the blood flows to the heart muscle from moving and thus the body back to normal without stopping Ajhad.uadm way surprising.

    Sixth: -
    Action Alatalat exercises after the end of each exercise.

    Seventh: -
    If your doctor wants to strengthen the body's core muscles like the muscles of the legs and the muscles of the chest and shoulders, you beginning to carry the burdens of light and then a gradual increase weights.

    Symptoms of allergic disease: -

    1. wheezing in the chest when breathing.

    2. persistent cough, especially with the increase (the work of any effort. Inhalation of cold air. Smoking or smell the smoke)

    3. shortness of breath and severe agitation: If you suffer from these symptoms must consult your doctor because you could be allergic patient.

    The cause of these symptoms: -

    Be of the trachea and bronchi sometimes excessive sensitivity to certain substances such as gas, cold air, smoke, and the types of smells .. etc., and this leads to constriction of the muscles in the wall of the airways leading to difficulty of air entry and exit

    This leads to the onset of symptoms you.

    Private warnings to the patient sensitivity during exercise: -

    1. Follow the instructions your doctor Observers of the case does not ignore any treatment for any reason must not be subjected to any reason leads to the emergence of crisis and this keeps you continue with the sport.

    2. If you have been during the sports bra to a state crisis, you have to take the airbrush, which advised by your doctor treatment, but if symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

    3. To avoid the resulting crisis following sports you follow (avoid doing exercises in a cool place or dry. If you play sports in an open place in the winter, you should cover your nose and mouth with a tissue to heat the air he breathes, we have to consult your doctor if you

    You need to be extended to the people before aerobic sport because it will lead to the expansion of the airways and reduces sensitivity) appearance.

    4. Avoid sport in the days when suffering from a cough or sizzling in the chest (sensitivity).

    5. Do not practice or rehearse place has a high percentage of pollution.

    6. must be fortified from the cold as well as washing hands constantly.

    7. it is necessary to reduce the sport or stop by any of the following reasons (in Alnevs.alam Alsdr.qsr pain in the neck or Alvk.azdiad strikes Kulb.alam in basic or Mufasl.agaye muscle or a sense of wanting it, constant fatigue, severe ).

    Banana energy and vitality for the treatment of sports injuries

    Banana is an important food in the lives of athletes, as it contains a lot of nutrients that helps in giving necessary for the athlete energy during his career, in addition to this has major implications in the treatment of a lot of accompanying the athlete diseases which are exposed during periodic competitions, knowing that bananas containing three natural sugars namely sucrose, fructose and glucose and a range of important therapeutic fiber, and medical research has proven that just two bananas bananas provide athletic body enough energy for a strenuous for ninety minutes, so it is no wonder that the banana first fruit be in the lives of all athletes.

    What are the diseases addressed by the banana?
    1. Anemia: Bananas contain high levels of iron as the banana production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia
    2. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is very rich in potassium and very poor in salt making it perfect to beat blood pressure.
    3. Depression:  many of whom felt much better after eating a banana fruit as bananas contain a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, which gives the body rest and relaxation and improves mood and lead to a feeling of happiness.
    4. Brain Power: In a study of 200 students were eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch in the study proved that the potassium-rich bananas can stimulate the brain the ability of the students to focus and learn larger.
    5. Constipation: Bananas contain a high level of fiber so bananas in the diet of an athlete can help restore normal bowel action also helps to overcome constipation without resorting to effect in the body and are advised to eat when feeling symptoms of acidity.
    7. Nerves: Bananas are high in vitamins B group that helps to calm the nervous system.
    8. Overweight: To by eating snacks high in carbohydrates, vitamins, nutrients banana fruit was most suited to prevent obesity.
    9. Ulcers: The banana is used to treat intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness bananas only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases Khmodh inflammation of the stomach lining and considered.
    10. stress (fatigue): Potassium is a vital mineral helps normalize the heartbeat and stimulates send oxygen to the brain and regulates the body's water balance when there is fatigue, which makes the level of metabolism rises thereby reducing our potassium levels, which Nawwadh eating a banana rich in potassium.
    11. Smoking: Bananas can help people who are trying to quit smoking to recover from the impact of nicotine withdrawal because it contains vitamins B12 and B6
    12. Strokes: According to several medical research has proved that eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by 40%

    Foot disease between prevention and treatment

    One of the main diseases suffered by athletes, diseases related to Foot, where these diseases affect the performance of the players during the exercises or multiple competitions.
    The most important of these diseases:
    First: disease athlete's foot: It is a cutaneous infectious disease of the foot, where it arises by fungi that grow on moist surfaces in the athlete's foot, and this type of fungus can Tltqth feet utmost simplicity through the carpet or upholstery or swimming pools or rooms a change of clothes in the sports clubs, with the knowledge that this fungus grows in many dark areas of moisture, often Tugod between the toes of the feet, leading to the emergence of small sores and cracks in the surface of the foot and toes, which in turn lead to strong pain in the foot.

    How do we know the existence of this fungus?
    If noted player that shoe worn graduated from smelly unpleasant, it is a warning of the presence of this fungus between the toes and toenails, where they become thick and fragmented due to the presence of this disease, which in turn can be transmitted to the groin, or to the wet places in the body, or folds deployed in it, and be done by hand touching fingers and touch the rest of the body, where the spread of fungal infections inadvertently or attention.
    How to avoid the disease?
    1. Wash the feet well with clean socks to wear on a daily basis, taking into account that the socks to be made of cotton or any natural materials.
    2. foot drying after each wash reduces fungal infection, taking into account that the most important areas that must be dried, are between the toes because the onset of the disease are from this region.
    3. Wear shoes that resemble soft light (Khuff)
    4. The use of anti-fungal objectivity treatments prescribed by a doctor after the preview.

    Second, disease clicking stratum (acacia): where the spread of this fungal disease on the heel and toe in the form of clickable white or small structure, which leads to smelly feet, knowing that he can be spread on the hands, by direct touch and Guerra to direct.
    How to prevent this disease
    1. Do not wear athletic shoes only at the time of the competition or exercise.
    2. Wear shoes midwife of ventilation, which are many and scattered at this time.
    3. wash the feet after each exercise and try to dry them with hair dryer (blow dry) to ensure the absence of any moisture between them.
    4. Do not wear shoes without socks.
    5. Use your deodorant feet in order to reduce the rate of sweating.
    How can I minimize sweating?
    1. Wash the feet thoroughly with soap and antibacterial twice daily.
    2. Sprinkle feet in anti race (Spray) every morning or before each exercise.
    3. The use of baking powder (baking powder) on the foot Barsha on wetlands, and this helps to treatment and prevention.
    4. The use of means of surgical sterilization, where it helps kill bacteria spread in feet.
    5. Use distilled vinegar and wipe it on foot.
    6. Use an electric current low voltage on the surface of the foot, leading to the closure of the sweat glands in part.
    How do we work bath for the feet?
    The first way: put a bunch of English salt with a cup of vinegar in a deep pot where the warm water, and then put the feet for fifteen minutes, leading to the recovery of the foot and stimulate blood circulation in it.
    The second method: wash the feet with lemon, removes odors from the angle of the foot and nails, and lead to skin lightening and increase smoothness, where lemon juice mixed with warm water in a deep pot and put the feet in it for fifteen minutes.

    How do we clean the boot?
    1. Washing Machine automatic shoe and exposed to the sun after washing.
    2. Put a piece of coal inside the shoe in order to absorb odors.
    3. suction shoe from the inside by a vacuum cleaner, and this helps to clean the shoes of the dead and dry skin sweat.
    4. not to put the boot in the floor of the Treasury or the cupboard it helps to absorb Alrtaiwih very quickly, so you must put the boot in places that had no ventilation and drought.
    5. advised to have several sneakers, so that they can be exchanged as needed, in the event that the shoe to moisture or wetness.
    6. Put the shoe in a plastic bag and then admitted to the freezer for a period of twenty-four hours, and this helps it smell bad shoes.
    And last but not least, if you want to enjoy the comfort of the feet follow the previous advice whenever the need arises, or make it a daily habit protect you from foot ailments and protect you from tiring exercises and periodic competitions.

    Who invented the plane

    It considered the Wright brothers (Wright brothers) are the first of Achteraa plane (Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright), two of the American citizenship, Orville Wright was born in 1871 and died in 1948, while Wilbur Fuld in 1867 and died in 1912, where they worked in the industry the mechanics in bicycle manufacturing, were interested in aviation since Sgarhama Mrtkzan on their experience in mechanics in addition to inform them of Applied Sciences, where she was the beginning for them through the planning and perseverance to achieve Gaithma a fly air the body of his wings derives leverage by engine and was the first their attempts to fly, where the world bedazzled successfully experience and published in newspapers in the United States of America.

    Orville and Wilbur Wright to them attributed most historians plane invention in addition to Kiemanma first experience to fly and fly air and the successful by a machine weighing heavier than air, so it was on December 17 in the year 1903 AD, after nearly ten years of Kiemanma to fly the US government became aware of how important Aviation and gains wide, was receiving the Wright brothers in France to receive heroes, where he was the first flight of the two-year (75) minutes continuously at an altitude of approximately 100 meters, the invention of the Wright brothers plane cradle engage in century of Flight, a twentieth century saw excellent progress in the field of aviation over a hundred years and it has developed the aircraft gradually bringing aircraft industrial production dramatically era entered as varied sizes, shapes and tasks of these aircraft, the first flight of the airline's successful two a year (1903) where the their plane to fly at a distance of 120 feet, nowadays the celebration of accomplishment and the invention of the brothers Wright and achievements formally, and they have a proud history as the image Taithma filled public squares and stamps in America and the world, which is months or aircraft in the world and is now present in the science and technology museum in North Carolina in Kitty hometown, where he comes a lot scientists and researchers and the general public to watch this wonderful invention,
    Wright brothers gained mechanical skills and that was the reason for their success by working for several years in the shop with bikes and presses, motors, etc., since their work in the repair and maintenance of private bikes have an impact on their belief that he can control the machine that is going unstable on Earth was born to have an idea industry the plane in a similar manner.